Lab 2
Lab 2
- Find your partner for program 2.
- Spend the first 15 minutes completing Exercise 3-7 from Learning Processing.
Note it should read: Exercise 3-7: Update Example 3-4 so that the faster the user
moves the mouse, the wider the drawn line. Hint: look up strokeWeight() in the Processing reference.
Also, be aware that the solution is available on the web. You will learn the most if you try to complete this without looking up the answer.
- Submit your solution to exercise 3-7 by attaching the .pde file to this assignment in ecommons.
- With your partner, begin working on program 2.
- If you complete the program 2, submit it. Even if you don't consider submitting what you have so far. You will have a backup and you will have submitted something.
- If you didn't finish it, make arrangements with your partner to meet and finish it before the due date.