The objective of the assignment is for you to become familiar with creating programs that are sequences of statements. For this assignment you only need to use function-call statements (e.g. rect(10,20,100,50);). You should become familiar with the syntax of function-call statements, and the use of parameters to control what the statement does (e.g. how big should the rectangle be?).
You should also become familiar with using the Processing programming environment to create, save, and run your programs.
Write a program using Processing that draws a simple scene using the theme "My First Day at UCSC" drawn with at least lines, rectangles, and ellipses. You may of course use other things you discover. Resize the sketch to be at least 200x200. Try and be creative, but it need not be overly complex. It should include somewhere between 20 and 50 individual drawing commands (that includes drawing shapes like rect, line, ellipse, and changing colors with stroke and fill). 20 really is enough if you do something interesting and include clear comments.
Be sure your program contains an opening block comment that includes a description of your program so that a person should be able to know what the program does without running it. Although it is normally a good idea to always also put your name in that opening block comment, for this class, do NOT put your name in the program. Your program will be reviewed and graded by other students in the class and we want that process to be anonymous.
Repeated from course info page:
The programs you submit this quarter should be original programs created just for this class. It is NOT acceptable to submit programs that you (or someone else) has written previously. As indicated above, if you incorporate any portions of programs written by someone else, or by you for a prior course or assignment, then that should be clearly noted in the program via comments. (See "Giving Credit Where Credit is Due".)
To run processing on the lab computers see "Running Processing in the Lab".
You will be submitting your program source file (.pde) in CrowdGrader.
The link for the assignment in CrowdGrader is
After the due date you will need to review 5 submissions by going to the same location.
As soon as you have met with your partner to confirm you can work together you should follow the assignment link above and enter the email address for your partner in the group field. The must be done at least 48 hours before the due date.
When you and your partner have completed your sketch (program):
See the grading rubric in CrowdGrader.
Although not part of the student review grading process in CrowdGrader, you will lose one point if you fail to submit a program log in Canvas.